Great faith surfaces in great problems - have faith

Ikechukwu Joseph
Some Similar Quotes
  1. The Simple PathSilence is PrayerPrayer is FaithFaith is LoveLove is ServiceThe Fruit of Service is Peace - Mother Teresa

  2. Give me the Love that leads the way The Faith that nothing can dismay The Hope no disappointments tire The Passion that'll burn like fire Let me not sink to be a clod Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God - Amy Carmichael

  3. Prayer for LoveThank You, Creator of the Universe for the gift of Life you have given me, Thank You for giving me everything that I have ever needed, Thank You for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind, Thank You for... - Miguel Ruiz

  4. Sometimes I go to God and say, "God, if Thou dost never answer another prayer while I live on this earth, I will still worship Thee as long as I live and in the ages to come for what Thou hast done already. God’s already... - A.W. Tozer

  5. Many people pray to be kept out of unexpected problems. Some people pray to be able to confront and overcome them. - Toba Beta

More Quotes By Ikechukwu Joseph
  1. Fear is a trigger mechanism. Let it trigger faith

  2. The eyes of your understanding will see through to get Great Success

  3. The level above money is savings and higher than savings is investment.invest today

  4. What u know will make u known.u cannot rise beyond what u know

  5. Stop blaming God for your decisions

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